
My journal articles presented in reverse chronological order.


  1. A phase-field study of stainless-steel oxidation from high-temperature carbon dioxide exposure
    Xueyang Wu ,  Iman Abdallah ,  Wen Jiang ,  Robert S Ullberg ,  Simon R Phillpot ,  Adrien Couet ,  John H Perepezko ,  and  Michael R Tonks
    Computational Materials Science, 2023
  2. Energetics and diffusion kinetics of point defects in MnCr2O4 spinel from first principles
    R Seaton Ullberg ,  Xueyang Wu ,  Michael R Tonks ,  and  Simon R Phillpot
    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2023
  3. Surface reconstruction and cleavage of phyllosilicate clay edge by density functional theory
    An T Ta ,  R Seaton Ullberg ,  and  Simon R Phillpot
    Applied Clay Science, 2023


  1. Functionalized Clays for Radionuclide Sequestration: A Review
    Nathalie A Wall ,  Emily Maulden ,  Elizabeth J Gager ,  An T Ta ,  R Seaton Ullberg ,  Guanlin Zeng ,  Lorena Nava-Farias ,  Adam P Sims ,  Juan C NinoSimon R Phillpot ,  and  others
    ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2022